I am a highly creative programmer and a mother of two. I studied physics and informatics at University of Warsaw in Poland, and went on to complete a PhD in computational biophysics. After that, I worked as a post-doctoral research at Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies and at the University of Bergen, bridging Bioinformatics and Genetic Epidemiology. Currently, I am a full-time bioinformatician at the Core Center for Biostatistics and Data Analysis.
During my scientific career, I have learned how to code in different languages, alone and in a team, I have explored various datasets, and created different visualizations; I have been presenting my results to various audience. Moreover, I have obtained teaching experience, successfuly applied for funding for my own research, and thereafter, managed my research projects. My results were highlighted and awarded several times. Privately, I love to learn new things and create - I am a knitter and I’ve recently learned to sew, I love nature, yoga, and my small family.